Tacitus |
Annalen I, 31-49
Aufstand der germanischen Legionen im Sommerlager Novaesium
im Jahre 14: |
[31] Isdem ferme diebus isdem causis Germanicae legiones
turbatae, quanto plures tanto violentius, et magna spe fore ut
Germanicus Caesar imperium alterius pati nequiret daretque se
legionibus vi sua cuncta tracturis. duo apud ripam Rheni
exercitus erant: cui nomen superiori sub C. Silio legato,
inferiorem A. Caecina curabat. regimen summae rei penes
Germanicum agendo Galliarum censui tum intentum. sed quibus
Silius moderabatur, mente ambigua fortunam seditionis alienae
speculabantur: inferioris exercitus miles in rabiem prolapsus
est, orto ab unetvicesimanis quintanisque initio, et tractis
prima quoque ac vicesima legionibus: nam
isdem aestivis in finibus Ubiorum habebantur per otium
aut levia munia. igitur audito fine Augusti vernacula multitudo,
nuper acto in urbe dilectu, lasciviae sueta, laborum intolerans,
implere ceterorum rudes animos: venisse tempus quo veterani
maturam missionem, iuvenes largiora stipendia, cuncti modum
miseriarum exposcerent saevitiamque centurionum ulciscerentur.
non unus haec, ut Pannonicas inter legiones Percennius, nec apud
trepidas militum auris, alios validiores exercitus
respicientium, sed multa seditionis ora vocesque: sua in manu
sitam rem Romanam, suis victoriis augeri rem publicam, in suum
cognomentum adscisci imperatores. |
[31] About the same time, from the same causes, the legions of Germany rose
in mutiny, with a fury proportioned to their greater numbers, in the confident hope that
Germanicus Cęsar would not be able to endure another's supremacy and would offer himself to
the legions, whose strength would carry everything before it. There were two armies on the
bank of the Rhine; that named the upper army had Caius Silius for general; the lower was
under the charge of Aulus Cęcina. The supreme direction rested with Germanicus, then busily
employed in conducting the assessment of Gaul. The troops under the control of Silius, with
minds yet in suspense, watched the issue of mutiny elsewhere; but the soldiers of the lower
army fell into a frenzy, which had its beginning in the men of the twenty first and fifth
legions, and into which the first and twentieth were also drawn. For
they were all quartered in the same summer-camp, in the territory of the Ubii,
enjoying ease or having only light duties. Accordingly on hearing of the death of Augustus,
a rabble of city slaves, who had been enlisted under a recent levy at Rome, habituated to
laxity and impatient of hardship, filled the ignorant minds of the other soldiers with
notions that the time had come when the veteran might demand a timely discharge, the young,
more liberal pay, all, an end of their miseries, and vengeance on the cruelty of
It was not one alone who spoke thus, as did Percennius among the legions of Pannonia, nor
was it in the ears of trembling soldiers, who looked with apprehension to other and mightier
armies, but there was sedition in many a face and voice. "The Roman world," they
said, "was in their hand; their victories aggrandised the State; it was from them that
emperors received their titles." |
[32] Nec legatus obviam ibat: quippe plurium vaecordia
constantiam exemerat. repente lymphati destrictis gladiis in
centuriones invadunt: ea vetustissima militaribus odiis materies
et saeviendi principium. prostratos verberibus mulcant, sexageni
singulos, ut numerum centurionum adaequarent: tum convulsos
laniatosque et partim exanimos ante vallum aut in amnem Rhenum
proiciunt. Septimius cum perfugisset ad tribunal pedibusque
Caecinae advolveretur, eo usque flagitatus est donec ad exitium
dederetur. Cassius Chaerea, mox caede Gai Caesaris memoriam apud
posteros adeptus, tum adulescens et animi ferox, inter obstantis
et armatos ferro viam patefecit. non tribunus ultra, non
castrorum praefectus ius obtinuit: vigilias, stationes, et si
qua alia praesens usus indixerat, ipsi partiebantur. id
militaris animos altius coniectantibus praecipuum indicium magni
atque inplacabilis motus, quod neque disiecti nec paucorum
instinctu, set pariter ardescerent, pariter silerent, tanta
aequalitate et constantia ut regi crederes. |
[32] Nor did their commander check them. Indeed, the blind rage of so many had robbed
him of his resolution. In a sudden frenzy they rushed with drawn swords on the centurions,
the immemorial object of the soldiers' resentment and the first cause of savage fury. They
threw them to the earth and beat them sorely, sixty to one, so as to correspond with the
number of centurions. Then tearing them from the ground, mangled, and some lifeless, they
flung them outside the entrenchments or into the river Rhine.
One Septimius, who fled to the tribunal and was grovelling at Cęcina's feet, was
persistently demanded till he was given up to destruction. Cassius Chęrea, who won for
himself a memory with posterity by the murder of Caius Cęsar, being then a youth of high
spirit, cleared a passage with his sword through the armed and opposing throng. Neither
tribune nor camp-prefect maintained authority any longer. Patrols, sentries, and whatever
else the needs of the time required, were distributed by the men themselve. To those who
could guess the temper of soldiers with some penetration, the strongest symptom of a
wide-spread and intractable commotion, was the fact that, instead of being divided or
instigated by a few persons, they were unanimous in their fury and equally unanimous in
their composure, with so uniform a consistency that one would have thought them to be under
command. |
[33] Interea Germanico per Gallias, ut diximus, census
accipienti excessisse Augustum adfertur. neptem eius Agrippinam
in matrimonio pluresque ex ea liberos habebat, ipse Druso fratre
Tiberii genitus, Augustae nepos, set anxius occultis in se
patrui aviaeque odiis quorum causae acriores quia iniquae.
quippe Drusi magna apud populum Romanum memoria, credebaturque,
si rerum potitus foret, libertatem redditurus; unde in
Germanicum favor et spes eadem. nam iuveni civile ingenium, mira
comitas et diversa ab Tiberii sermone vultu, adrogantibus et
obscuris. accedebant muliebres offensiones novercalibus Liviae
in Agrippinam stimulis, atque ipsa Agrippina paulo commotior,
nisi quod castitate et mariti amore quamvis indomitum animum in
bonum vertebat. |
[33] Meantime Germanicus, while, as I have related, he was collecting the taxes of
Gaul, received news of the death of Augustus. He was married to the granddaughter of
Augustus, Agrippina, by whom he had several children, and though he was himself the son of
Drusus, brother of Tiberius, and grandson of Augusta, he was troubled by the secret hatred
of his uncle and grandmother, the motives for which were the more venomous because unjust.
For the memory of Drusus was held in honour by the Roman people, and they believed that had
he obtained empire, he would have restored freedom. Hence they regarded Germanicus with
favour and with the same hope. He was indeed a young man of unaspiring temper, and of
wonderful kindliness, contrasting strongly with the proud and mysterious reserve that marked
the conversation and the features of Tiberius. Then, there were feminine jealousies, Livia
feeling a stepmother's bitterness towards Agrippina, and Agrippina herself too being rather
excitable, only her purity and love of her husband gave a right direction to her otherwise
imperious disposition. |
[34] Sed Germanicus quanto summae spei propior, tanto
impensius pro Tiberio niti. Sequanos proximos et Belgarum
civitates in verba eius adigit. dehinc audito legionum tumultu
raptim profectus obvias extra castra habuit, deiectis in terram
oculis velut paenitentia. postquam vallum iniit dissoni questus
audiri coepere. et quidam prensa manu eius per speciem
exosculandi inseruerunt digitos ut vacua dentibus ora
contingeret; alii curvata senio membra ostendebant. adsistentem
contionem, quia permixta videbatur, discedere in manipulos
iubet: sic melius audituros responsum; vexilla praeferri ut id
saltem discerneret cohortis: tarde obtemperavere. tunc a
veneratione Augusti orsus flexit ad victorias triumphosque
Tiberii, praecipuis laudibus celebrans quae apud Germanias illis
cum legionibus pulcherrima fecisset. Italiae inde consensum,
Galliarum fidem extollit; nil usquam turbidum aut discors.
silentio haec vel murmure modico audita sunt.
[34] But the nearer Germanicus was to the highest hope, the more laboriously did he
exert himself for Tiberius, and he made the neighbouring Sequani and all the Belgic states
swear obedience to him. On hearing of the mutiny in the legions, he instantly went to the
spot, and met them outside the camp, eyes fixed on the ground, and seemingly repentant. As
soon as he entered the entrenchments, confused murmurs became audible. Some men, seizing his
hand under pretence of kissing it, thrust his fingers into their mouths, that he might touch
their toothless gums; others showed him their limbs bowed with age. He ordered the throng
which stood near him, as it seemed a promiscuous gathering, to separate itself into its
military companies. They replied that they would hear better as they were. The standards
were then to be advanced, so that thus at least the cohorts might be distinguished. The
soldiers obeyed reluctantly. Then beginning with a reverent mention of Augustus, he passed
on to the victories and triumphs of Tiberius, dwelling with especial praise on his glorious
achievements with those legions in Germany. Next, he extolled the unity of Italy,
the loyalty of Gaul, the entire absence of turbulence or strife. He was heard in silence or
with but a slight murmur. |
[35] Vt seditionem attigit, ubi modestia militaris, ubi
veteris disciplinae decus, quonam tribunos, quo centuriones
exegissent, rogitans, nudant universi corpora, cicatrices ex
vulneribus, verberum notas exprobrant; mox indiscretis vocibus
pretia vacationum, angustias stipendii, duritiam operum ac
propriis nominibus incusant vallum, fossas, pabuli materiae
lignorum adgestus, et si qua alia ex necessitate aut adversus
otium castrorum quaeruntur. atrocissimus veteranorum clamor
oriebatur, qui tricena aut supra stipendia numerantes, mederetur
fessis, neu mortem in isdem laboribus, sed finem tam exercitae
militiae neque inopem requiem orabant. fuere etiam qui legatam a
divo Augusto pecuniam reposcerent, faustis in Germanicum
ominibus; et si vellet imperium promptos ostentavere. tum vero,
quasi scelere contaminaretur, praeceps tribunali desiluit.
opposuerunt abeunti arma, minitantes, ni regrederetur; at ille
moriturum potius quam fidem exueret clamitans, ferrum a latere
diripuit elatumque deferebat in pectus, ni proximi prensam
dextram vi attinuissent. extrema et conglobata inter se pars
contionis ac, vix credibile dictu, quidam singuli propius
incedentes feriret hortabantur; et miles nomine Calusidius
strictum obtulit gladium, addito acutiorem esse. saevum id
malique moris etiam furentibus visum, ac spatium fuit quo Caesar
ab amicis in tabernaculum raperetur. |
[35] As soon as he touched on the mutiny and asked what had become of soldierly
obedience, of the glory of ancient discipline, whither they had driven their tribunes and
centurions, they all bared their bodies and taunted him with the scars of their wounds and
the marks of the lash. And then with confused exclamations they spoke bitterly of the prices
of exemptions, of their scanty pay, of the severity of their tasks, with special mention of
the entrenchment, the fosse, the conveyance of fodder, building-timber, fire-wood, and
whatever else had to be procured from necessity, or as a check on idleness in the camp. The
fiercest clamour arose from the veteran soldiers, who, as they counted their thirty
campaigns or more, implored him to relieve worn-out men, and not let them die under the same
hardships, but have an end of such harassing service, and repose without beggary. Some even
claimed the legacy of the Divine Augustus, with words of good omen for Germanicus, and,
should he wish for empire, they showed themselves abundantly willing. Thereupon, as though
he were contracting the pollution of guilt, he leapt impetuously from the tribunal. The men
opposed his departure with their weapons, threatening him repeatedly if he would not go
back. But Germanicus protesting that he would die rather than cast off his loyalty, plucked
his sword from his side, raised it aloft and was plunging it into his breast, when those
nearest him seized his hand and held it by force. The remotest and most densely crowded part
of the throng, and, what almost passes belief, some, who came close up to him, urged him to
strike the blow, and a soldier, by name Calusidius, offered him a drawn sword, saying that
it was sharper than his own. Even in their fury, this seemed to them a savage act and one of
evil precedent, and there was a pause during which Cęsar's friends hurried him into his
tent. |
[36] Consultatum ibi de remedio; etenim nuntiabatur parari
legatos qui superiorem exercitum ad causam eandem traherent;
destinatum excidio Vbiorum oppidum, imbutasque praeda manus in
direptionem Galliarum erupturas. augebat metum gnarus Romanae
seditionis et, si omitteretur ripa, invasurus hostis: at si
auxilia et socii adversum abscedentis legiones armarentur,
civile bellum suscipi. periculosa severitas, flagitiosa
largitio: seu nihil militi sive omnia concedentur in ancipiti
res publica. igitur volutatis inter se rationibus placitum ut
epistulae nomine principis scriberentur: missionem dari vicena
stipendia meritis, exauctorari qui sena dena fecissent ac
retineri sub vexillo ceterorum inmunes nisi propulsandi hostis,
legata quae petiverant exsolvi duplicarique. |
[36] There they took counsel how to heal matters. For news was also brought that the
soldiers were preparing the despatch of envoys who were to draw the upper army into their
cause; that the capital of the Ubii was marked out [p. 26] for destruction, and that hands
with the stain of plunder on them would soon be daring enough for the pillage of Gaul. The
alarm was heightened by the knowledge that the enemy was aware of the Roman mutiny, and
would certainly attack if the Rhine bank were undefended. Yet if the auxiliary troops and
allies were to be armed against the retiring legions, civil war was in fact begun. Severity
would be dangerous; profuse liberality would be scandalous. Whether all or nothing were
conceded to the soldiery, the State was equally in jeopardy. Accordingly, having weighed
their plans one against each other, they decided that a letter should be written in the
prince's name, to the effect that full discharge was granted to those who had served in
twenty campaigns; that there was a conditional release for those who had served sixteen, and
that they were to be retained under a standard with immunity from everything except actually
keeping off the enemy; that the legacies which they had asked, were to be paid and
doubled. |
[37] Sensit miles in tempus conficta statimque flagitavit.
missio per tribunos maturatur, largitio differebatur in hiberna
cuiusque. non abscessere quintani unetvicesimanique donec isdem
in aestivis contracta ex viatico amicorum ipsiusque Caesaris
pecunia persolveretur. primam ac vicesimam legiones Caecina
legatus in civitatem Vbiorum reduxit turpi agmine cum fisci de
imperatore rapti inter signa interque aquilas veherentur.
Germanicus superiorem ad exercitum profectus secundam et tertiam
decumam et sextam decumam legiones nihil cunctatas sacramento
adigit. quartadecumani paulum dubitaverant: pecunia et missio
quamvis non flagitantibus oblata est. |
[37] The soldiers perceived that all this was invented for the occasion, and instantly
pressed their demands. The discharge from service was quickly arranged by the tribunes.
Payment was put off till they reached their respective winter-quarters. The men of the fifth
and twenty-first legions refused to go till in the summer-camp where they stood the money
was made up out of the purses of Germanicus himself and his friends, and paid in full. The
first and twentieth legions were led back by their officer Cęcina to the canton of the Ubii,
marching in disgrace, since sums of money which had been extorted from the general were
carried among the eagles and standards. Germanicus went to the Upper Army, and the second,
thirteenth, and sixteenth legions, without any delay, accepted from him the oath of
allegiance. The fourteenth hesitated a little, but their money and the discharge were
offered even without their demanding it. |
[38] At in Chaucis coeptavere seditionem praesidium agitantes
vexillarii discordium legionum et praesenti duorum militum
supplicio paulum repressi sunt. iusserat id M'. Ennius castrorum
praefectus, bono magis exemplo quam concesso iure. deinde
intumescente motu profugus repertusque, postquam intutae
latebrae, praesidium ab audacia mutuatur: non praefectum ab iis,
sed Germanicum ducem, sed Tiberium imperatorem violari. simul
exterritis qui obstiterant, raptum vexillum ad ripam vertit, et
si quis agmine decessisset, pro desertore fore clamitans,
reduxit in hiberna turbidos et nihil ausos. |
[38] Meanwhile there was an outbreak among the Chauci, begun by some veterans of the
mutinous legions on garrison duty. They were quelled for a time by the instant execution of
two soldiers. Such was the order of Mennius, the camp-prefect, more as a salutary warning
than as a legal act. Then, when the commotion increased, he fled and having been discovered,
as his hiding place was now unsafe, he borrowed a resource from audacity. "It was
not," he told them, "the camp-prefect, it was Germanicus, their general, it was
Tiberius, their emperor, whom they were insulting." At the same moment, overawing all
resistance, he seized the standard, faced round towards the river-bank, and exclaiming that
whoever left the ranks, he would hold as a deserter, he led them back into their
winter-quarters, disaffected indeed, but cowed. |
[39] Interea legati ab senatu regressum iam apud aram Vbiorum
Germanicum adeunt. duae ibi legiones, prima atque vicesima,
veteranique nuper missi sub vexillo hiemabant. pavidos et
conscientia vaecordes intrat metus venisse patrum iussu qui
inrita facerent quae per seditionem expresserant. utque mos
vulgo quamvis falsis reum subdere, Munatium Plancum consulatu
functum, principem legationis, auctorem senatus consulti
incusant; et nocte concubia vexillum in domo Germanici situm
flagitare occipiunt, concursuque ad ianuam facto moliuntur
foris, extractum cubili Caesarem tradere vexillum intento mortis
metu subigunt. mox vagi per vias obvios habuere legatos, audita
consternatione ad Germanicum tendentis. ingerunt contumelias,
caedem parant, Planco maxime, quem dignitas fuga impediverat;
neque aliud periclitanti subsidium quam castra primae legionis.
illic signa et aquilam amplexus religione sese tutabatur, ac ni
aquilifer Calpurnius vim extremam arcuisset, rarum etiam inter
hostis, legatus populi Romani Romanis in castris sanguine suo
altaria deum commaculavisset. luce demum, postquam dux et miles
et facta noscebantur, ingressus castra Germanicus perduci ad se
Plancum imperat recepitque in tribunal. tum fatalem increpans
rabiem, neque militum sed deum ira resurgere, cur venerint
legati aperit; ius legationis atque ipsius Planci gravem et
immeritum casum, simul quantum dedecoris adierit legio, facunde
miseratur, attonitaque magis quam quieta contione legatos
praesidio auxiliarium equitum dimittit. |
[39] Meanwhile envoys from the Senate had an interview with Germanicus, who had now
returned, at the Altar of the Ubii. Two legions, the first and twentieth, with veterans
discharged and serving under a standard, were there in winter-quarters. In the bewilderment
of terror and conscious guilt they were penetrated by an apprehension that persons had come
at the Senate's orders to cancel the concessions they had extorted by mutiny. And as it is
the way with a mob to fix any charge, however groundless, on some particular person, they
reproached Munatius Plancus, an ex-consul and the chief envoy, with being the author of the
Senate's decree. At midnight they began to demand the imperial standard kept in Germanicus's
quarters, and having rushed together to the entrance, burst the door, dragged Cęsar from his
bed, and forced him by menaces of death to give up the standard. Then roaming through the
camp-streets, they met the envoys, who on hearing of the tumult were hastening to
Germanicus. They loaded them with insults, and were on the point of murdering them, Plancus
especially, whose high rank had deterred him from flight. In his peril he found safety only
in the camp of the first legion. There clasping the standards and the eagle, he sought to
protect himself under their sanctity. And had not the eagle-bearer, Calpurnius, saved him
from the worst violence, the blood of an envoy of the Roman people, an occurrence rare even
among our foes, would in a Roman camp have stained the altars of the gods. At last, with the
light of day, when the general and the soldiers and the whole affair were
clearly recognised. Germanicus entered the camp, ordered Plancus to be conducted to him,
and received him on the tribunal. He then upbraided them with their fatal infatuation,
revived not so much by the anger of the soldiers as by that of heaven, and explained the
reasons of the envoys' arrival. On the rights of ambassadors, on the dreadful and undeserved
peril of Plancus, and also on the disgrace into which the legion had brought itself, he
dwelt with the eloquence of pity, and while the throng was confounded rather than appeased,
he dismissed the envoys with an escort of auxiliary cavalry. |
[40] Eo in metu arguere Germanicum omnes quod non ad
superiorem exercitum pergeret, ubi obsequia et contra rebellis
auxilium: satis superque missione et pecunia et mollibus
consultis peccatum vel si vilis ipsi salus, cur filium parvulum,
cur gravidam coniugem inter furentis et omnis humani iuris
violatores haberet? illos saltem avo et rei publicae redderet.
diu cunctatus aspernantem uxorem, cum se divo Augusto ortam
neque degenerem ad pericula testaretur, postremo uterum eius et
communem filium multo cum fletu complexus, ut abiret perpulit.
incedebat muliebre et miserabile agmen, profuga ducis uxor,
parvulum sinu filium gerens, lamentantes circum amicorum
coniuges quae simul trahebantur nec minus tristes qui
manebant. |
[40] Amid the alarm all condemned Germanicus for not going to the Upper Army, where
he might find obedience and help against the rebels. "Enough and more than enough
blunders," they said, "had been made by granting discharges and money, indeed, by
conciliatory measures. Even if Germanicus held his own life cheap, why should he keep a
little son and a pregnant wife among madmen who outraged every human right? Let these, at
least, be restored safely to their grandsire and to the State."
When his wife spurned the notion, protesting that she was a descendant of the Divine
Augustus and could face peril with no degenerate spirit, he at last embraced her and the son
of their love with many tears, and after long delay compelled her to depart. Slowly moved
along a pitiable procession of women, a general's fugitive wife with a little son in her
bosom, her friends' wives weeping round her, as with her they were dragging themselves from
the camp. Not less sorrowful were those who remained. |
[41] Non florentis Caesaris neque suis in castris, sed velut
in urbe victa facies gemitusque ac planctus etiam militum auris
oraque advertere: progrediuntur contuberniis. quis ille flebilis
sonus? quod tam triste? feminas inlustris, non centurionem ad
tutelam, non militem, nihil imperatoriae uxoris aut comitatus
soliti: pergere ad Treviros [et] externae fidei. pudor inde et
miseratio et patris Agrippae, Augusti avi memoria, socer Drusus,
ipsa insigni fecunditate, praeclara pudicitia; iam infans in
castris genitus, in contubernio legionum eductus, quem militari
vocabulo Caligulam appellabant, quia plerumque ad concilianda
vulgi studia eo tegmine pedum induebatur. sed nihil aeque flexit
quam invidia in Treviros: orant obsistunt, rediret maneret, pars
Agrippinae occursantes, plurimi ad Germanicum regressi. isque ut
erat recens dolore et ira apud circumfusos ita coepit. |
[41] There was no appearance of the triumphant general about Germanicus, and he
seemed to be in a conquered city rather than in his own camp, while groans and wailings
attracted the ears and looks even of the soldiers. They came out of their tents, asking
"what was that mournful sound? What meant the sad sight? Here were ladies of rank, not
a centurion to escort them, not a soldier, no sign of a prince's wife, none of the usual
retinue. Could they be going to the Treveri, to be subjects of the foreigner?"
Then they felt shame and pity, and remembered his father Agrippa, her grandfather Augustus,
her father-in-law Drusus, her own glory as a mother of children, her noble purity. And there
was her little child too, born in the camp, brought up amid the tents of the legions, whom
they used to call in soldiers' fashion, Caligula, because he often wore the shoe so called,
to win the men's goodwill. But nothing moved them so much as jealousy towards the Treveri.
They entreated, stopped the way, that Agrippina might return and remain, some running to
meet her, while most of them went back to Germanicus. He, with a grief and anger that were
yet fresh, thus began to address the throng around him-- |
[42] 'Non mihi uxor aut filius patre et re publica cariores
sunt, sed illum quidem sua maiestas, imperium Romanum ceteri
exercitus defendent. coniugem et liberos meos, quos pro gloria
vestra libens ad exitium offerrem, nunc procul a furentibus
summoveo, ut quidquid istud sceleris imminet, meo tantum
sanguine pietur, neve occisus Augusti pronepos, interfecta
Tiberii nurus nocentiores vos faciant. quid enim per hos dies
inausum intemeratumve vobis? quod nomen huic coetui dabo?
militesne appellem, qui filium imperatoris vestri vallo et armis
circumsedistis? an civis, quibus tam proiecta senatus
auctoritas? hostium quoque ius et sacra legationis et fas
gentium rupistis. divus Iulius seditionem exercitus verbo uno
compescuit, Quirites vocando qui sacramentum eius detrectabant:
divus Augustus vultu et aspectu Actiacas legiones exterruit: nos
ut nondum eosdem, ita ex illis ortos si Hispaniae Syriaeve miles
aspernaretur, tamen mirum et indignum erat. primane et vicesima
legiones, illa signis a Tiberio acceptis, tu tot proeliorum
socia, tot praemiis aucta, egregiam duci vestro gratiam
refertis? hunc ego nuntium patri laeta omnia aliis e provinciis
audienti feram? ipsius tirones, ipsius veteranos non missione,
non pecunia satiatos: hic tantum interfici centuriones, eici
tribunos, includi legatos, infecta sanguine castra, flumina,
meque precariam animam inter infensos trahere. |
[42] "Neither wife nor son are dearer to me than my father and the State. But he
will surely have the protection of his own majesty, the empire of Rome that of our other
armies. My wife and children whom, were it a question of your glory, I would willingly
expose to destruction, I now remove to a distance from your fury, so that whatever
wickedness is thereby threatened, may be expiated by my blood only, and that you may not be
made more guilty by the slaughter of a great-grandson of Augustus, and the murder of a
daughter-in-law of Tiberius. For what have you not dared, what have you not profaned during
these days? What name shall I give to this gathering? Am I to call you soldiers, you who
have beset with entrenchments and arms your general's son, or citizens, when you have
trampled under foot the authority of the Senate? Even the rights of public enemies, the
sacred character of the ambassador, and the law of nations have been violated by you. The
Divine Julius once quelled an army's mutiny with a single word by calling those who were
renouncing their military obedience 'citizens.' The Divine Augustus cowed the legions who
had fought at Actium with one look of his face. Though I am not yet what they were, still,
descended as I am from them, it would be a strange and unworthy thing should I be spurned by
the soldiery of Spain or Syria. First and twentieth legions, you who received your standards
from Tiberius, you, men of the twentieth who have shared with me so many battles and have
been enriched withso many rewards, is not this a fine gratitude with which you are repaying
your general? Are these the tidings which I shall have to carry to my father when he hears
only joyful intelligence from our other provinces, that his own recruits, his own veterans
are not satisfied with discharge or pay; that here only centurions are murdered, tribunes
driven away, envoys imprisoned, camps and rivers stained with blood, while I am myself
dragging on a precarious existence amid those who hate me?" |
[43] 'Cur enim primo contionis die ferrum illud, quod pectori
meo infigere parabam, detraxistis, o inprovidi amici? melius et
amantius ille qui gladium offerebat. cecidissem certe nondum tot
flagitiorum exercitu meo conscius; legissetis ducem, qui meam
quidem mortem inpunitam sineret, Vari tamen et trium legionum
ulcisceretur. neque enim di sinant ut Belgarum quamquam
offerentium decus istud et claritudo sit subvenisse Romano
nomini, compressisse Germaniae populos. tua, dive Auguste, caelo
recepta mens, tua, pater Druse, imago, tui memoria isdem istis
cum militibus, quos iam pudor et gloria intrat, eluant hanc
maculam irasque civilis in exitium hostibus vertant. vos quoque,
quorum alia nunc ora, alia pectora contueor, si legatos senatui,
obsequium imperatori, si mihi coniugem et filium redditis,
discedite a contactu ac dividite turbidos: id stabile ad
paenitentiam, id fidei vinculum erit.' |
[43] "Why, on the first day of our meeting, why did you, my friends, wrest from
me, in your blindness, the steel which I was preparing to plunge into my breast? Better and
more loving was the act of the man who offered me the sword. At any rate I should have
perished before I was as yet conscious of all the disgraces of my army, while you would have
chosen a general who though he might allow my death to pass unpunished would avenge the
death of Varus and his three legions. Never indeed may heaven suffer the Belgae, though they
proffer their aid, to have the glory and honour of having rescued the name of Rome and
quelled the tribes of Germany. It is thy spirit, Divine Augustus, now received into heaven,
thine image, father Drusus, and the remembrance of thee, which, with these same soldiers who
are now stimulated by shame and ambition, should wipe out this blot and turn the wrath of
civil strife to the destruction of the foe. You too, in whose faces and in whose hearts I
perceive a change, if only you restore to the Senate their envoys, to the emperor his due
allegiance, to myself my wife and son, do you stand aloof from pollution and separate the
mutinous from among you. This will be a pledge of your repentance, a guarantee of your
loyalty." |
[44] Supplices ad haec et vera exprobrari fatentes orabant
puniret noxios, ignosceret lapsis et duceret in hostem:
revocaretur coniunx, rediret legionum alumnus neve obses Gallis
traderetur. reditum Agrippinae excusavit ob inminentem partum et
hiemem: venturum filium: cetera ipsi exsequerentur. discurrunt
mutati et seditiosissimum quemque vinctos trahunt ad legatum
legionis primae C. Caetronium, qui iudicium et poenas de
singulis in hunc modum exercuit. stabant pro contione legiones
destrictis gladiis: reus in suggestu per tribunum ostendebatur:
si nocentem adclamaverant, praeceps datus trucidabatur. et
gaudebat caedibus miles tamquam semet absolveret; nec Caesar
arcebat, quando nullo ipsius iussu penes eosdem saevitia facti
et invidia erat. secuti exemplum veterani haud multo post in
Raetiam mittuntur, specie defendendae provinciae ob imminentis
Suebos ceterum ut avellerentur castris trucibus adhuc non minus
asperitate remedii quam sceleris memoria. centurionatum inde
egit. citatus ab imperatore nomen, ordinem, patriam, numerum
stipendiorum, quae strenue in proeliis fecisset, et cui erant,
dona militaria edebat. si tribuni, si legio industriam
innocentiamque ad probaverant, retinebat ordinem: ubi avaritiam
aut crudelitatem consensu obiectavissent, solvebatur militia. |
[44] Thereupon, as suppliants confessing that his reproaches were true, they implored
him to punish the guilty, pardon those who had erred, and lead them against the enemy. And
he was to recall his wife, to let the nursling of the legions return and not be handed over
as a hostage to the Gauls. As to Agrippina's return, he made the excuse of her approaching
confinement and of winter. His son, he said, would come, and the rest they might settle
themselves. Away they hurried hither and thither, altered men, and dragged the chief
mutineers in chains to Caius Cętronius, commander of the first legion, who tried and
punished them one by one in the following fashion. In front of the throng stood the legions
with drawn swords. Each accused man was on a raised platform and was pointed out by a
tribune. If they shouted out that he was guilty, he was thrown head-long and cut to pieces.
The soldiers gloated over the blood-shed as though it gave them absolution. Nor did Cęsar
check them, seeing that without any order from himself the same men were responsible for all
the cruelty and all the odium of the deed.
The example was followed by the veterans, who were soon afterwards sent into Rętia,
nominally to defend the province against a threatened invasion of the Suevi, but really that
they might tear themselves from a camp stamped with the horror of a dreadful remedy no less
than with the memory of guilt. Then the general revised the list of centurions. Each, at his
summons, stated his name, his rank, his birthplace, the number of his campaigns, what brave
deeds he had done in battle, his military rewards, if any. If the tribunes and the legion
commended his energy and good behaviour, he retained his rank; where they unanimously
charged him with rapacity or cruelty, he was dismissed the service. |
[45] Sic compositis praesentibus haud minor moles supererat
ob ferociam quintae et unetvicesimae legionum, sexagesimum apud
lapidem (loco Vetera nomen est) hibernantium. nam primi
seditionem coeptaverant: atrocisslmum quodque facinus horum
manibus patratum; nec poena commilitonum exterriti nec
paenitentia conversi iras retinebant. igitur Caesar arma classem
socios demittere Rheno parat, si imperium detrectetur, bello
certaturus. |
[45] Quiet being thus restored for the present, a no less formidable difficulty
remained through the turbulence of the fifth and twenty-first legions, who were in winter
quarters sixty miles away at Old Camp, as the place was called. These, in fact, had been the
first to begin the mutiny, and the most atrocious deeds had been committed by their hands.
Unawed by the punishment of their comrades, and unmoved by their contrition, they still
retained their resentment. Cęsar accordingly proposed to send an armed fleet with some of
our allies down the Rhine, resolved to make war on them should they reject his
authority. |
[46] At Romae nondum cognito qui fuisset exitus in Illyrico,
et legionum Germanicarum motu audito, trepida civitas incusare
Tiberium quod, dum patres et plebem, invalida et inermia,
cunctatione ficta ludificetur, dissideat interim miles neque
duorum adulescentium nondum adulta auctoritate comprimi queat.
ire ipsum et opponere maiestatem imperatoriam debuisse cessuris
ubi principem longa experientia eundemque severitatis et
munificentiae summum vidissent. an Augustum fessa aetate totiens
in Germanias commeare potuisse: Tiberium vigentem annis sedere
in senatu, verba patrum cavillantem? satis prospectum urbanae
servituti: militaribus animis adhibenda fomenta ut ferre pacem
velint. |
[46] At Rome, meanwhile, when the result of affairs in Illyrium was not yet known,
and men had heard of the commotion among the German legions, the citizens in alarm
reproached Tiberius for the hypocritical irresolution with which he was befooling the senate
and the people, feeble and disarmed as they were, while the soldiery were all the time in
revolt, and could not be quelled by the yet imperfectly-matured authority of two striplings.
"He ought to have gone himself and confronted with his imperial majesty those who would
have soon yielded, when they once saw a [p. 32] sovereign of long experience, who was the
supreme dispenser of rigour or of bounty. Could Augustus, with the feebleness of age on him,
so often visit Germany, and is Tiberius, in the vigour of life, to sit in the Senate and
criticise its members' words? He had taken good care that there should be slavery at Rome;
he should now apply some soothing medicine to the spirit of soldiers, that they might be
willing to endure peace." |
[47] Immotum adversus eos sermones fixumque Tiberio fuit non
omittere caput rerum neque se remque publicam in casum dare.
multa quippe et diversa angebant: validior per Germaniam
exercitus, propior apud Pannoniam; ille Galliarum opibus
subnixus, hic Italiae inminens: quos igitur anteferret? ac ne
postpositi contumelia incenderentur. at per filios pariter adiri
maiestate salva, cui maior e longinquo reverentia. simul
adulescentibus excusatum quaedam ad patrem reicere,
resistentisque Germanico aut Druso posse a se mitigari vel
infringi: quod aliud subsidium si imperatorem sprevissent?
ceterum ut iam iamque iturus legit comites, conquisivit
impedimenta, adornavit navis: mox hiemem aut negotia varie
causatus primo prudentis, dein vulgum, diutissime provincias
fefellit. |
[47] Notwithstanding these remonstrances, it was the inflexible purpose of Tiberius
not to quit the head-quarters of empire or to imperil himself and the State. Indeed, many
conflicting thoughts troubled him. The army in Germany was the stronger; that in Pannonia
the nearer; the first was supported by all the strength of Gaul; the latter menaced Italy.
Which was he to prefer, without the fear that those whom he slighted would be infuriated by
the affront? But his sons might alike visit both, and not compromise the imperial dignity,
which inspired the greatest awe at a distance. There was also an excuse for mere youths
referring some matters to their father, with the possibility that he could conciliate or
crush those who resisted Germanicus or Drusus. What resource remained, if they despised the
emperor? However, as if on the eve of departure, he selected his attendants, provided his
camp-equipage, and prepared a fleet; then winter and matters of business were the various
pretexts with which he amused, first, sensible men, then the populace, last, and longest of
all, the provinces. |
[48] At Germanicus, quamquam contracto exercitu et parata in
defectores ultione, dandum adhuc spatium ratus, si recenti
exemplo sibi ipsi consulerent, praemittit litteras ad Caecinam,
venire se valida manu ac, ni supplicium in malos praesumant,
usurum promisca caede. eas Caecina aquiliferis signiferisque et
quod maxime castrorum sincerum erat occulte recitat, utque
cunctos infamiae, se ipsos morti eximant hortatur: nam in pace
causas et merita spectari, ubi bellum ingruat innocentis ac
noxios iuxta cadere. illi temptatis quos idoneos rebantur,
postquam maiorem legionum partem in officio vident, de sententia
legati statuunt tempus, quo foedissimum quemque et seditioni
promptum ferro invadant. tunc signo inter se dato inrumpunt
contubernia, trucidant ignaros, nullo nisi consciis noscente
quod caedis initium, quis finis. |
[48] Germanicus meantime, though he had concentrated his army and prepared vengeance
against the mutineers, thought that he ought still to allow them an interval, in case they
might, with the late warning before them, regard their safety. He sent a despatch to Cęcina,
which said that he was on the way with a strong force, and that, unless they forestalled his
arrival by the execution of the guilty, he would resort to an indiscriminate massacre.
Cęcina read the letter confidentially to the eagle and standard-bearers, and to all in the
camp who were least tainted by disloyalty, and urged them to save the whole army from
disgrace, and themselves from destruction. "In peace," he said, "the merits
of a man's case are carefully weighed when war bursts on us, innocent and guilty alike
Upon this, they sounded those whom they thought best for their purpose, and when they saw
that a majority of their legions remained loyal, at the commander's suggestion they fixed a
time for falling with the sword on all the vilest and foremost of the mutineers. Then, at a
mutually given signal, they rushed into the tents, and butchered the unsuspecting men, none
but those in the secret knowing what was the beginning or what was to be the end of the
slaughter. |
[49] Diversa omnium, quae umquam accidere, civilium armorum
facies. non proelio, non adversis e castris, sed isdem e
cubilibus, quos simul vescentis dies, simul quietos nox
habuerat, discedunt in partis, ingerunt tela clamor vulnera
sanguis palam, causa in occulto; cetera fors regit. et quidam
bonorum caesi, postquam intellecto in quos saeviretur pessimi
quoque arma rapuerant. neque legatus aut tribunus moderator
adfuit: permissa vulgo licentia atque ultio et satietas. mox
ingressus castra Germanicus, non medicinam illud plurimis cum
lacrimis sed cladem appellans, cremari corpora iubet. Truces
etiam tum animos cupido involat eundi in hostem, piaculum
furoris; nec aliter posse placari commilitonum manis quam si
pectoribus impiis honesta vulnera accepissent. sequitur ardorem
militum Caesar iunctoque ponte tramittit duodecim milia e
legionibus, sex et viginti socias cohortis, octo equitum alas,
quarum ea seditione intemerata modestia fuit. |
[49] The scene was a contrast to all civil wars which have ever occurred. It was not
in battle, it was not from opposing camps, it was from those same dwellings where day saw
them at their common meals, night resting from labour, that they divided themselves into two
factions, and showered on each other their missiles. Uproar, wounds, bloodshed, were
everywhere visible; the cause was a mystery. All else was at the disposal of chance. Even
some loyal men were slain, for, on its being once understood who were the objects of fury,
some of the worst mutineers too had seized on weapons. Neither commander nor tribune was
present to control them; the men were allowed license and vengeance to their heart's
content. Soon afterwards Germanicus entered the camp, and exclaiming with a flood of tears,
that this was destruction rather than remedy, ordered the bodies to be burnt.
Even then their savage spirit was seized with a desire to march against the enemy, as an
atonement for their frenzy, and it was felt that the shades of their fellow-soldiers could
be appeased only by exposing such impious breasts to honourable scars. Cęsar followed up the
enthusiasm of the men, and having bridged over the Rhine, he sent across it 12,000 from the
legions, with six-and-twenty allied cohorts, and eight squadrons of cavalry, whose
discipline had been without a stain during the mutiny. |
Die englische Übersetzung stammt aus folgender Publikation: Complete Works of Tacitus. Tacitus. Alfred John Church. William Jackson Brodribb. Sara Bryant. edited for Perseus. New York: Random House, Inc. Random House, Inc. reprinted 1942. |